There is this saying that "you never know your limits until you push them" and everyday I have discovered more and more that its true. When you think you can't survive another crisis or issue, something else happens and even though it initially felt like you were going down with the crisis, you are here, still standing strong. This goes to show that we have great capabilities and strength inside of us much more than we can ever imagine. I know there are voices everyday, situations that makes you feel inadequate, less pretty, less smart, very weak but keep believing that you are stronger, more powerful, more talented and more beautiful than you think. I have come to understand that there is an incredible amount of strength in us especially as women. We have lots of role to fill; wife, mother, sister, daughter, co -worker, friend e.t.c and sometimes when I think about it, even though am still single, I get scared and I wonder if I can fill all these roles and balance...