LOVING in 2017

Happy New Year everyone, this greeting might be coming a little late but it's still a new year nonetheless. How are we all doing so far in 2017? Are we keeping to our resolutions and goals? Hope we haven't thrown our New Year Resolutions into the bush just yet? I know it can be quite exciting to list out the things we want to do better in the new year but I have come to realize that setting goals is the easiest thing, achieving the goals however is another ball game entirely. One of my own resolutions/goals this year is to be more intentional about loving people. We all know that loving people is not as easy as the books or media depicts. In fact, it is one of the hardest things to do. No wonder Jesus said that the greatest commandment in the Bible is to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS as ourselves( Matthew 22:36-40). In order words, if we are successful in keeping that one commandment of Loving God and Loving others as ourselves, we have invariably obeyed all the other...