I thought the worst that could happen to the female gender in Nigeria had already happened. After all, women were being raped everyday without anything being done about it, the excuse is that ladies dress provocatively and so they asked for it. Little girls are molested everyday with the pedophiles going scott free, the family members are usually too "ashamed" to talk about it because it is a "taboo" so everyone pretends its normal and we go about our daily hustle. The issue of domestic violence is not considered an issue at all even though some women have been beaten to death, it is considered normal afterall the husband is the head of the family so if the wife misbehaves, she should be disciplined. Some women are made to sleep with the dead bodies of their husband, drink the water that was used to bathe the dead body and even chased out of their homes ( especially if dem no born boy) because they have the "misfortune" of out-living their husbands. So...