Helloooooooooooooooooooo my people, it's been a really lonnnnnnnng time *covers face*. I really can't explain how it has taken me so long to blog, truthfully there is just no excuse but I sincerely apologize to everyone for the long silence and I promise to rectify my ways this year. Before I bore you with my stories however, let me first of all wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR...wohooo. I have to confess that entering a new year brings such an incredible feeling, that feeling of hope, of faith, of freshness, new beginnings, the feeling of being alive despite all odds...I could go on and on but it sure feels great to be alive to witness a new year. I am really looking forward to the great things this year has in store for us. So what are your new year resolutions? (big grin), what do you plan to do differently this year? Am sure my post is really late as most people would have planned their new year resolutions by 31st December or November sef, but hey, it's fine if y...