Times and Seasons

Hello blogfam, its been a while right, apologies for the long silence, hopefully it won't happen again. So today, I want to blog about Time and Seasons because I have realized that we human beings are very fond of measuring everything and everyone by time or seasons. We sometimes attach greater importance to how quickly we achieve something much more than the quality of the achievement. What am I trying to say here? Let me give some common examples - We will rather finish school at a certain age with anyhow grade, studying anyhow course rather than spend time waiting on God to discover purpose and know the particular course we should study, why we should study it and if we should even bother going to the university at all. Another example is marriage - We will most times rather rush into marriage with someone we most likely know we are not compatible with but because we want to be married at a certain age, we will ignore all the signs and just go ahead so that we can be s...