Relationship status : Its Complicated !!!

I know relationships are anything but simple, they are in most cases complicated. Every good relationship whether husband - wife, brother- sister, boyfriend - girlfriend and any other relationship you can think of, all require hard work, patience and trust. However, as much as I appreciate and recognize all these virtues that are needed in a relationship, I also believe that when you get to a point where you think or believe your life is in danger in a particular relationship, you should take cover because no relationship is worth dying useless and meaningless death for. Okay, I know you are beginning to wonder where this Dami girl is going today again, well, I want to talk about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, yes you heard me right. If there is one thing am so passionate about besides God and my family, its Domestic violence against women. I can't seem to understand or wrap my mind around the fact that a man you love and who professes to love you back will decide to punish you or teach you...