1000 VIEWS....10,000 REASONS
Yaaaayyyyyyyy, its my blog's 1000 views celebration, (dancing azonto, kukere, skelewu,and limpopo altogether). I can't quite believe it that people have taken time to read all my ramblings and whining on this blog. I am grateful, really really super duper grateful because it means the whole world to me that something that I thought will never see the light of the day has been viewed 1000 times. I am also grateful because when I suddenly had this brain wave to start a blog in February, I never thought in my wildest imagination that by September of the same year I would have had people view that same blog 1000 times. I remember the first post I wrote, I remember how inadequate and unsure I was, I remember the excitement of posting the "supposed jargon", I remember how scared I was after posting it, fear of people not reading it, fear of writing rubbish, fear of grammatical errors (lol), fear that I wont have anything else to post after that, fear that the blog will eventually die because of lack of ideas. I have always heard people talk about doing something even while you are scared and I have to admit that having a blog, putting up posts and asking people to read them while expecting some constructive or not so constructive criticisms as feedback has to be one of the hardest and scariest things I have done.
Looking back now, eight months and thirteen posts later, I am glad I wrote that first post. I am glad I started this blog despite my fear and inadequacies, I am glad I decided to stop looking at all the reasons why it won't work and focused on the one or two reasons why it will, I am glad I learnt to take criticism and strive to be better, I am glad I didn't give up on this blog even though I sometimes felt it was of no use, and more importantly, I am glad that I have wonderful people like you reading this post who has decided to visit my blog one time or the other to read whatever rubbish post that is on it.Everyone who has read, commented, and the people who called or sent me personal messages to say they were blessed by one post or the other has kept me going with this blog. I want to say a very BIG OROBO thank you because you have all made it worth it and am eternally grateful to you for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit my blog.

I am looking forward to when this blog will have 10,000, 20,000, even 1 million views (hehehehe). I know its possible because if this blog can be viewed 1000 times, it can be viewed 1 million times. This is also to encourage everyone who has always wanted to do something but has held back because of fear, don't worry JUST DO IT. You will be amazed how it will turn out better than you expected if you persist and keep at it.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up- ( Galatians 6:9
Thank You soooo much for stopping by, stay positive...xxx
Love the post! I remember how it was when I started blogging as well.. Just keep at it and like you said, one day you'll hit your million mark and even go beyond! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks dear for the encouragement, you are one of the bloggers that inspire me.
DeleteI wonder how in the and Ayo discovered your blog before I did..
Deleteah, awesome stuff on here Dami
Thanks dear
DeleteHahah… We all had that initial Q of “ Who wants to read my blog sef…” but here you are 1000 views later! You go girl!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting and commenting, you are a role model in blogging...God bless You.