Stop Child Sexual Abuse – Training 5

Welcome to the last training in this series. It's been really insightful and eye - opening and I hope this training has saved a child or children out there. Thanks to everyone who has been following us on this journey.

 stop-child sexual abuse

Today, we tackle the really sensitive age of preteens range.
I remember when I was this age, I was in a boarding school and trying my best to do well in my studies. While that is still true for many children within this age range, I know that they face a lot more pressure from different sources than what I faced at that time.
“A preserved childhood is better than a repaired adulthood” — Pastor Nike Adeyemi
Let’s welcome Praise Fowowe again to Mind and Mouth as he delivers today’s part of the series on stopping child sexual abuse!
I want to really appreciate the numerous responses since we started this sexuality education series. The positive feedback we have been getting from you has really been encouraging and I am so certain that the game is over for many of the so called predators who have been molesting innocent children.
At the end of today’s training, you’ll have the opportunity to place an order for SuperKidz, the engaging book and CD resource by Praise Fowowe to get your Children started (even by themselves) learning about this all important topic. The link at the end of this training will give you more information.
The modules for 8-12 is very broad and I may not be able to fully exhaust it here but I will try and highlight what you need to teach for this age range.
Let me quickly take us through some of tendencies of children between ages 8-12.
-          They love sports, video games and adventure so could be open to abuse by predators
-          Age of perfecting skills so could seek to be more independent from family
-          Development of secondary sex characteristics
-          Wants to achieve so much in little time that begins to feel discouraged when goals are not met
-          Parents need to become more interested in activities and need to encourage children to join positive groups
-          May need to be interested in the families of your child’s friends
-          Begins to confide in best friend at 10
-          Becomes more interested in opposite sex
-          Has strong opinions and strives to succeed at 11
-          Interested in body changes
-          Becomes more aware of opposite sex
-          Could display anger through aggression
-          Becomes pleasant and good natured at 12
The question here is what do you teach your children at this stage? I want you to understand that many children especially the girl child is vulnerable to rape at this age.
As a parent you should teach the following:
  1. PUBERTY & SELF ESTEEM – You should take them through the basic changes that take place during puberty and how to handle these changes. As a mother you need to avoid that same line your mother said to you when you attained puberty ’if any guy touches you, you go get belle’ (this means if any man touches you, you’ll be pregnant). You teach them about self esteem and how to develop positive self esteem.
  2. UNDERSTANDING SEX – Here you teach them about sex by re-defining sex, breast, vagina, semen etc. There is a way to effectively teach these in a way that your children find very useful.
  3. SEXUAL ABUSE – Here you open them up to what sexual abuse is, the reasons predators abuse, how to avoid a predator, effects of abuse and what to do if you have been abused. Finally you teach your children about good touch, bad touch and confusing touch. Instruct them to avoid full hug or sitting on anyone’s laps. They must resist it when someone tries to tickle them and tell your girl child that the reward for anyone trying to touch her breast is a dirty slap.
  4. UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS – You teach about friendship, dating, courtship and marriage here. The golden instruction here is never to date anyone without parental consent. They must avoid some basic dating mistakes and carefully live their lives based on values.
It is time to build a new generation of children who are well informed as we seek to kick out child sexual abuse.
Learning Points
-         Sex education is not by fear, it is by right understanding
-         Puberty Changes must be properly addressed
-        They are more equipped when they are properly and adequately informed. 
-          Perform regular checks with your child
-          Be calm when dealing with cases of sexual abuse
I believe you have greatly benefited from this training. I only have a few copies of SuperKidz available, and the CART opens today.

>>>>> Click Here to Order SuperKidz Today!

If you order today, you’ll also get a FREE Ebook – Child Safety Online  - How to protect your children online.
Be the great parent you’ve always wanted and planned to be.

>>>>> Click Here to Order SuperKidz Today!

  • Beautifully Designed Physical Copy of Superkidz Book + CD
  • Using engaging stories to deliver astounding lessons. Children will pick this up by themselves and read [taking the pressure of you, the parent to start the conversation]
  • Colourful book with animated characters
  • Song CD included for more FUN!
  • Free delivery in Lagos (other locations attract a delivery charge)
  • Free E-book Child Safety Online (first few orders only)
  • Pay online using your Naira cards: Mastercard, Verve, Visa etc. (Select Pay with your ATM card)
  • Bank Transfer (You can transfer or pay into our GT Bank Account). (Select Bank Transfer @ Checkout to receive the bank details)
  • Only available in Nigeria. 
For bulk others
If you plan to order in bulk (20+) either to give away, or resell, or donate or you have an event, please send an e-mail to
If want Praise Fowowe to facilitate this training Sexual Education at a School, send an e-mail to
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