As we are rounding up this year, I have decided to count my blessings and look back on all the wonderful things God has done for me in 2013. I know it is easier to dwell on the things He has not done, the goals that were not achieved and the many things I trusted God to do this year that has not being done but then again, I remember that "only great fools are not grateful". I also remember that only the living can dream, can complain, can cry, can have goals and since am still alive, God deserves my gratitude. So without much ado, Let me start counting the blessings I have enjoyed so far in 2013 especially the ones money can't buy : 1. Life - I can't thank God enough for being alive, I try as much as possible not to take it for granted that I AM ALIVE. Many people have died this year and my being alive is not because I am more righteous or more prayerful, its simply by the mercy and grace of God. 2. God - I am super grateful for my relationship wit...